If you know your Cicero, you’ll recall that he said that an orator has three aims: docere, delectare and movere – that is, to prove or demonstrate, to delight and to move. I think good writing does the same.
Receiving this, you’ll probably know that I like to reflect, curate what I am noticing, and share my observations in writing. That’s the idea behind this newsletter.
You might also know that I particularly enjoy shining a light on what interest me by bringing together parallel worlds – the different parts of my life. For example, playing jazz illuminates the challenge of listening. Art and theatre get to the heart of emotional connection and empathy. Performing and learning improv teaches about teamwork and how to foster freedom and creativity.
I aim, through connecting these parallel worlds, to write in a fresh way about topics that will be familiar. I may experiment with form, borrowing a little of the poet’s use of rhythm and meter. I hope in that way to prove, move, and delight. I hope also that my readers will make connections to their own worlds and approach them differently as a result.
The newsletter will be predominantly new writing, along with some of my favourite pieces from my archive. You can find the first one below. There’s a button below where you can sign up to receive it. It will arrive direct to your email in-box every two weeks. I’ll invite dialogue and feedback. There will be the odd invitation or information about what I am up to. And you can cancel at any time.